Wedding Pricing

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Pricing

Bar/ Bat Mitzvah Pricing

Mitzvah Collections Starting at $2499

If you’re considering using VMAstudios as your Wedding Portrait Photographer, then you are among the amazing clients that value an a Artistic Story-Telling Photography Style that we are so proud to create.
If you’re considering using VMAstudios as your Wedding Portrait Photographer, then you are among the amazing clients that value an a Artistic Story-Telling Photography Style that we are so proud to create.
If you’re considering using VMAstudios as your Wedding Portrait Photographer, then you are among the amazing clients that value an a Artistic Story-Telling Photography Style that we are so proud to create.


Wedding PricingAlbums & Books

Albums starting at $700 | Books starting at $500

Acrylic Prints

Starting at $169

Acrylic Blocks

Starting at $200

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Raleigh North Caorlina (919) 985-0520 | 3708 Benson Dr. #200 | Boca Raton Fl (561) 251-1917